View Product Sources (Release 0.9.1 and after)
The Product Sources List page was redesigned in the 0.9.1 release, and now is similar to the Inbound and Outbound List Page.
To view the Product Sources, on the Top Menu Bar, click on Products > Product Sources.

Product Source List Page

The Header of the Product Source List Page features two tabs: Details and Preference Types. The Details tab displays the available filters and Products Sources List. The Preference Types tab is coming soon...
Users can filter the Product Source List using 6 different data points:
- Search by source code, product code, or supplier code.
- Product Name/Code Dropdown
- Supplier Name Dropdown
- Default Preference Type (Multi-select)
- Date created from
- Date created to
- Include inactive

The Table on the Product Sources List Page includes various columns to make the data easily accessible and usable for the Sourcing users. Various columns are can also be sorted.
Users can Export the Product Sources List by clicking on the Export button the top right of the table.
Here is the list of all of the table columns:
Three Dots: Click on the three dots to Edit or Delete Product Source.
- Kòd pwodwi
- Non pwodwi
- Source Code
Preference Type: For Sources with multiple Preference Type, click on the "Multiple" option to view the preference type information.
The Multiple Preference Type View displays 10 sites at once. You can also edit the Preference Type from this view.
- Default Pack Size: UoM/Quantity per UoM
- Package Price: "Unit Price" for the Default Pack Size
- Each Price: The "Package Price" divided by quantity per package.
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