Kòd bidjè

Budget codes are alphanumeric digits assigned by organizations for budgetary reporting. Budget code identifies fund types and tracking expenditures.

From the Configuration menu, admin users can access the Budget Code.

There can be long list of budget codes for organizations, so users can use the search bar to look for specific budget codes. This search bar only works with codes.

Here you can see, I have searched for the code SI0385.055.

The Budget Codes List includes the following information:

  • Active - Budget Codes can be marked Active or Inactive. If active, the column will have a Yes for the specific budget code and a No if inactive.
  • Id - This Budget Code identifier is auto-generated by OpenBoxes when users create a Budget Code.
  • Code - This is the Code that is given when creating the budget code. This code is accepted in the search bar.
  • Name - The name of the budget code given when it was created.
  • Description - The description of the budget code given when it was created.
  • Date Created
  • Last Updated

Create a Budget Code

  • On the Budget Code List page, click on Add Budget Codes.

  • Fill the following fields:
    • Active - Checked by default.
    • Code - Add a code.
    • Name - Add a name to describe the budget code.
    • Description (Optional) - You can add descriptions to further explain the use of the budget code or simply add additional details.
    • Organization (Optional) - You can select a supplier that this budget code should be used for. The dropdown will only show supplier organizations.
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