Mete ajou Pwofil ou
Gade Pwofil itilizatè mwen an
In the upper right hand corner, click on the profile icon. You can see your username with your permission level next to it in brackets. If you need to change your user permissions, contact your administrator.

Update my User Profile
- To update your user profile, click on the profile icon and click on Edit Profile.

On the edit profile page, you can update your email, username, and profile name. You can also change your "locale" (your default language setting). Most pages in OpenBoxes can be viewed in French as well as in English, if that is your preference.
Don't uncheck the active box! That will deactivate your username and prevent you from logging in.
User Details Tab
To change your password:
click on the password tab. Enter your new password, and re-enter it to confirm.
Password Tab
- Don't forget to hit "save" after any change!